Our Membership Secretary is Mrs Pauline Pattinson. The fee is £17.50 for an annual membership.
If you wish to join the club, please complete the membership form below, which will be forwarded to our Membership Secretary. You will be asked to make a payment and currently online payment facility is not available, but we are working on this - for the moment, after completing the form, click the button to take you through to payment, then simply click "Pay £17.50" and the form will still be submitted successfully.
For any queries, please use our contact form.
If you intend to ride competitively for the club, you must hold a valid ACU competition licence for the relevant discipline. You do not need an ACU competition licence, however, if you simply want to join the club as a social member.
Please visit the ACU website here, for the relevant forms and further information on the ACU licencing requirements.
Also Available - Polo Shirts (£10) and Sweatshirts (£13) available with the Club logo, in Navy Blue.